Help I’ve Been Sacked

by | 03.10.24

So you’ve been naughty and you’ve been sacked where do you go from here? Well it’s a terrible thing to happen to anyone, but be real about it. You’ve done something so bad and your employer is not prepared to tolerate your behaviour anymore. Here are some tips on getting over it and moving forward:

Consider What Happened

Take some time to process your emotions and feelings about the situation. It’s normal to feel upset, angry or sad after being sacked from a job. At the end of the day though you’ve only got yourself to blame. It’s irrelevant why you’ve been sacked, it could be due to constant lateness, absenteeism or making a huge mistake. Take some time out to reflect and decide how you’re going to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

Check Out Your Finances

Evaluate your financial situation and make a plan for how you will manage your outgoings without your regular income. Consider applying for unemployment benefits or seeking temporary work to make ends meet.

Get Yourself Out There

Update your CV and start looking for new job opportunities. Reach out to your professional network for job leads and consider working with a Career Coach or Recruitment Agency to help you in your job search.

Be Prepared To Discuss Why You Were Sacked

Unfortunately one of the key questions you are going to be asked in an interview is “Why did you leave your last job?” It is important that you are prepared for this. You have to be honest and say you were dismissed because if you get a job offer your potential new employer will contact your last employer for a reference and the reason for you leaving will read dismissed. So you need to be honest.

Turn Being Sacked Into A Positive

When you’re telling a potential employer you were sacked from your last role try if possible to turn the dismissal into a positive. For instance if you were sacked for constantly being late tell the truth but explain that you were naïve and simply were not aware that this could result in you getting the sack but you have learned a valuable lesson and it will never happen to you again.

Reconsider Your Career

Use the time you are unemployed to reflect on your career goals and consider if there are any new paths or industries you want to explore. Take the opportunity to upskill or gain new qualifications that will make you more marketable to potential employers. Maybe one of the reasons that lead to you getting the sack is because you were unhappy in your job.

Be Prepared To Go For A Lot Of Interviews

Unfortunately many employers will immediately reject you because you have been sacked. This is a fact of life and anyone who tells you different is not telling you the truth. A potential employer could immediately think that you are trouble and therefore you will have to convince them you are not. It may take you many interviews to get a job but you will eventually.

Work Hard

Stay positive and focused on finding a new job. Remember that being sacked is not a reflection of your worth as a person, and with determination and hard work you will be able to bounce back from this setback, just make sure you learn from it though.

Some of the most successful business people have been dismissed from a job in their career, particularly in the early part of their working life. It can happen to anyone, but the key is brush yourself off and get on with it-learning as you do.

Good Luck