Your workplace is toxic – should you leave?

by | 11.10.24

Apparently one out of four employees worldwide experience a high rate of toxic behaviour in the workplace. Whilst no work environment is perfect unfortunately an unhealthy work culture negatively impacts on employee productivity and wellbeing. If you dread going to work every day, you might be stuck in a toxic workplace. Here are some signs that it’s time for you to move on:

Are you finding it energy draining at work?

Your job should fill you with energy, not suck the life out of you. If you are physically and mentally exhausted at the end of each workday, it could be seen as a red flag. As time goes on you may even experience a burnout. Don’t risk this find yourself a new job.

Are you finding it demotivating at work?

Another sign that you’re experiencing a negative work culture is that you constantly feel demotivated. If you work in a toxic environment for years your self-confidence may even be worn down to the point that you start questioning your abilities. This is when you need to move on.

Does your Company have a ‘high staff turnover?

Are your workmates running for the hills? If your organisation has difficulty retaining staff that could be a warning sign. Not only does it create a toxic work environment if people keep leaving it makes everyone who is left in their jobs harder. A high staff turnover can also impact negativity on your employers bottom line profit. Maybe you need to join the exodus.

Are there unhealthy boundaries at work?

Toxic work cultures often normalise a lack of healthy boundaries. For example your Manager may ask you to be available to answer emails in the evening and at weekends. Or you’re expected to stay late every night to complete work. If you are being pushed to the point of exhaustion and burnout then maybe it is time say goodbye.

Does your workplace lack transparency?

The hallmark of a healthy workplace culture is open communication. When transparency doesn’t exist, employees loose trust in their leaders and eventually their workmates. At that point the entire teams motivation, engagement and loyalty declines. If your Manager knowingly withholds valuable information then you loose trust and if that happens you need to move on.

Are your workmates moaning?

When you are surrounded by workmates who are constantly complaining about their job it can wear you down. That’s because emotions are infectious, especially negativity. So if you are working in a team who are always dissatisfied and have low morale then maybe you need to get a new job as this is toxic.

Does your Company encourage cronyism?

Cronyism refers to the practice of awarding jobs to friends, family and acquaintances who lack the qualifications for the position. This type of practice contributes to a culture that discourages anyone outside these groupings which is toxic. If you start noticing this trend it may be time to consider other job opportunities.

Is there support for professional growth?

If your boss continues to promise you growth opportunities that don’t come to fruition it’s a warning sign. A healthy work culture encourages employees to hone their skills and learn new things, it also recognises individuals strengths and uses those where possible. If your Company isn’t invested in your development it might be time to move on.

Are there instances of harassment and bullying?

A positive work culture should provide a safe and inclusive environment for employees. But when harassment and bullying are tolerated it contributes to a toxic workplace. Some examples include offensive jokes, insults, intimidation or threats. If you recognise any of these behaviours contact your HR Department, but also consider moving on.

Do you feel disrespected?

Feeling disrespected at work is the thing that has the most negative impact on employees. When you experience a constant lack of consideration and dignity for others by your Manager or other staff members then you are really working for the wrong Company and you need to take steps to get out of there as soon as possible.

So to finalise if the thought of going to work makes you sick to your stomach you are probably working in a dysfunctional environment. In the short term you may experience stress, anxiety and exhaustion, in the long term you will loose all your self-confidence and potentially breakdown. Don’t be unhappy at work, move on if you need to, I promise you there are some wonderful employers out there.

Good luck