2025 Work Resolutions
It’s going to be 2025 very soon and it is the perfect opportunity to turn over a new leaf at work. It’s really easy to get into bad work habits but if you want to advance in the workplace you need to make a good impression. Here are some of the area’s that you may need to improve:
You Must Be Punctual
Being late for work is one of the most unprofessional things you can do. Coming into work late on a regular basis is doing you no favours at all. Firstly you will really annoy people and secondly it is highly disrespectful behaviour.
You Must Be Prepared
A really bad thing to do at work is to try to wing things instead of preparing for them. Not being prepared for important things like meetings is definitely unprofessional and might come across as you being lazy or careless.
You Must Not Gossip
Office gossip is definitely something many of us partake in regularly, but that doesn’t mean that it’s right to talk about others. Some gossip, like sharing good news about a workmate can be okay, but most of the time gossip is said to spread negativity.
You Must Not Interrupt Others
Interrupting others once in a while is needed, if they tend to talk a mile a minute, but try to keep the interruptions to a minimum. Listen to others point of view, acknowledge what’s being said then offer your input. Many people are great talkers, but not such great listeners.
You Should Welcome New Staff Members
Being the new person in an office is stressful enough. It doesn’t help at all when people are being cold and not friendly. So why not be that person who welcomes new staff members and offers to show them the ropes? Not only is this a kind thing to do, but you will also gain a potential new work friend and will be known in the office as a nice person.
You Must Not Take Unnecessary Sick Days
If you are really sick then do not go into work but don’t get a reputation for being a ‘sicknote’. I knew someone once who got 10 days sick pay a year, this was stated in their contract of employment, so they thought it was their right to take 10 days sick per annum. Don’t take advantage, be fair to your employer.
You Must Not Overshare
Unless you’re really really close with your work colleagues you probably shouldn’t be sharing every detail of your life with them. Oversharing personal details can seem harmless until someone who isn’t your biggest fan hears of it. Often these people will try and use that information against you, which could hurt your career.
You Shouldn’t Post Negative Things About Your Job
This is a no brainer, but sometimes people still do this all over social media. There have actually been people who have been sacked from their jobs because of something negative they have said about their workplace on their social media posts.
You Must Not Send Late Work Emails
Once you’re out of the office, try not to send any work – related messages or emails. Plan these throughout the work day to avoid looking like you can’t manage your time at work. Equally if your boss has a habit of emailing you in the evening don’t feel you need to respond.
You Must Own Up If You’ve Done Something Wrong
We all mess up from time to time and that includes when we’re at work. A big part of being professional is owning up to your mistakes and taking responsibility. Accountability is a wonderful trait to have, especially at work. You are instantly seen as mature and respected more if you own up if you have done something wrong.
Finally if you want to get on in your career being respected by your work colleagues and the management team is a lot easier than you might think. The above tips are examples of just some of the things your need to get right as they may be hurting your promotional opportunities, but you can always turn these areas into more professional ones.
Let’s All Have A Wonderful 2025