Top tips for getting back into work after a career break

by | 22.01.19

Whether you were traveling the world, taking time out to raise your family or simply fed up of going to work every day the thought of finding a new job after a long career break can be very daunting. You may think no one will want to hire you due to your lack of current experience, but that’s defiantly not true – sell yourself properly and they’ll forget all about it! Below we have listed several tips that will help guide you through your return to working life:

Update your CV:

The first thing you’ll need to do is update your old CV – switch to a skills base format rather than a chronological one, promoting all the positive skills and attributes that make you stand out. You may be worrying about how to explain your career gap but whatever you do don’t try to justify it with an excuse

– instead highlight any achievements you made during this time. You should also reassure employers that you are serious about relaunching your career by making it clear in your profile that you are ready to commit long-term.

Believe in yourself

Just because you’ve taken a few years out doesn’t mean you’re now unemployable and should take the first opportunity you’re given – know your worth and don’t waste your time applying for jobs that are of a much lower level to what you were previously working at.

Catch up with your industry

Many industries move fast and a lot could have changed while you were away, new programmes and software may have even been adopted so you may need to take a short refresher course to gain the skills required. These days there are blogs out there about just about anything so find one relevant to your industry and regularly check it for new updates. Being up to date with what’s going on in your industry will also really help you impress during an interview so it’s definitely worth the time!

Sign up for temp work

A great way to get some up to date experience is to register with a Recruitment Agency and put yourself forward for some temp work. A lot of temp roles often lead to permanent ones so do your best to impress the Company they’ll definitely want to keep you around if possible.


Build yourself a LinkedIn profile and reconnect with your former colleagues who will remember you as the professional you used to be. Many of them will probably have new jobs now and may be able to put in a good word for you if any vacancies come up within their new Companies. You can also use LinkedIn to reach out to people working in Companies you’re interested in – so don’t be shy, connect with as many people as possible!


Finding a new job won’t happen overnight, it may take weeks, months or even years so be prepared to be in it for the long-haul. Not hearing back from Companies and receiving rejection after rejection can be very disheartening, but don’t give up – eventually you will find the perfect role and when you do all the effort will be worth it.

If you’re ready to start your job search please email a copy of your CV to and we’ll try find you your new dream job.

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