Are you a good employee?

by | 27.09.24

If you want to be valued in the workplace and progress in your career it is important that you are considered by your bosses to be a ‘good’ employee. By ‘good’ I don’t mean someone who never misbehaves, I mean someone who goes the extra mile and cares about their work and values their job. Here are some of the attributes that your boss will be looking for you to have.

Be punctual

Arrive at work on time and be punctual for meetings and deadlines. There is nothing the employer dislikes more than someone who constantly walks in the door at the very last minute.

Be proactive

Take initiative and go above and beyond your regular duties to contribute to the success of the team and organisation. Every boss appreciates a really willing worker.

Communicate effectively

Clearly communicate with your colleagues and Supervisors, both verbally and by email.  Keep them informed of your progress and any issues that may arise. Bosses like to be kept in the loop.

Be a team player

Collaborate with your workmates and support them in achieving their goals. Be willing to help out when needed and offer assistance to others. Remember to care is to share and employers want people who are prepared to share the load.

Be professional

Maintain a positive attitude, dress appropriately, and conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. Never get involved in the office politics, just concentrate on doing your job well.

Communicate effectively

Clearly communicate with your colleagues and Supervisors, both verbally and by email.  Keep them informed of your progress and any issues that may arise. Bosses like to be kept in the loop.

Be a team player

Collaborate with your workmates and support them in achieving their goals. Be willing to help out when needed and offer assistance to others. Remember to care is to share and employers want people who are prepared to share the load.

Be professional

Maintain a positive attitude, dress appropriately, and conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. Never get involved in the office politics, just concentrate on doing your job well.

Be adaptable

Be flexible and open to change in the workplace. Be willing to learn new skills and adapt to new tasks or responsibilities. Never say ‘No’ to any extra tasks which may be put on your desk.

Be reliable

Follow through on your commitments and deliver high-quality work on time. Be someone that your workmates and supervisors can depend on. Also ensure your attendance is good. ‘Sicknotes’ don’t get promoted!

Take feedback constructively

Be open to feedback and suggestions for improvement. Use it as an opportunity to grow and develop as an employee. Never take offence if you are corrected or shown a more efficient way of working, remember your boss has more experience than you.

Be accountable

Take ownership of your work and be accountable for your actions. Admit mistakes and learn from them to avoid repeating them in the future. Never, ever hide a mistake or try to blame an error on someone else, that is not the way to behave in the workplace.

Set boundaries

Sharing too much personal information with workmates or your boss can blur the lines between personal and professional relationships. It is important to maintain boundaries at work to ensure a healthy work environment.

In conclusion, it is important if you want to get on in your career and would like to be considered a reliable, dedicated and committed employee that you follow some obvious guidelines. You will not get anywhere if you don’t put in the effort and it doesn’t take a lot.

Good luck.