“Do you have any questions” What to ask at the end of an interview Share At the end of nearly every job interview you’ll likely be asked if you have any questions. At this stage it’s a good idea to ask a few questions about the Company and the job to help you decide...
How to Get Promoted Share Earning promotion is what most people really want. Promotion comes with a higher salary and gives you a real sense of accomplishment. To advance your career in a Company you will need to perform well and catch your boss’s attention. Here are...
How to answer the WORST question asked in an interview Share As a job seeker interviews can be nerve-wracking and one of the most daunting questions you might face is “where do you see yourself in 5 years”. This question is really challenging as you need to...
Is it time to leave your job? Share Deciding to leave a job is a significant moment in your professional career. While it’s normal to have challenges at work, feeling a deep and lasting dissatisfaction with your job is worth exploring. It’s important to recognise the...
How to be popular at work Share Never have your lunch alone again, let us help you to be popular with your office mates. It’s a bit like being at school. You don’t want to be the one who is known as “billy no mates”. People who don’t mix, eat their lunch at their desk...