How to get on with work colleagues

How to get on with work colleagues

Blog Blog How to get on with work colleagues Share Figuring out how to get along with work colleagues can be hard. You don’t need to best friends with the people you work with, but you do need to find ways to develop a productive working relationship with people in...
Working from home – The Pros + Cons

Working from home – The Pros + Cons

Blog Blog Working from home – The Pros + Cons Share Imagine your office chair is your sofa. Your commute is the length of your hallway. Your snack drawer is your fridge. Think it’s a dream? Not these days. Work-from-home jobs are very much a reality. Jobs that let you...
Should you accept a job – Yes or No?

Should you accept a job – Yes or No?

Blog Blog Should you accept a job – Yes or No? Share When you are looking for a new job, it can be hard to tell if the job you been offered is going to be the right job for you. You don’t want to jump out of the proverbial frying pan into the fire, so it’s important...
Interview Nerves – Here is the remedy

Interview Nerves – Here is the remedy

Blog Blog Interview Nerves – Here is the remedy Share Us humans may have hauled ourselves up from humble beginnings to the current civilisation peak we occupy but strip away our fashionable clothes and smartphones and there is still a fragile creature lurking...
Redundancy – What are your rights?

Redundancy – What are your rights?

Blog Blog Redundancy – What are your rights? Share If you are facing redundancy, unlike P+O ferries poor staff, you do have certain legal rights and your employers must follow the rules when making you redundant. In these uncertain times, many workers are concerned...