Coping with Unemployment

Coping with Unemployment

Blog Coping with Unemployment Share Whether you have been made redundant, are on furlough, seen contract work dry up or been put on shorter hours, losing your employment is one of life’s most stressful experiences. Aside from the obvious financial anguish it can...
Coronavirus and the workplace

Coronavirus and the workplace

Blog Coronavirus and the workplace Share As companies move to remote work to fight the coronavirus pandemic and an increasing number of people are being made redundant or furloughed you may be wondering if you are already unemployed if you should continue to look for...
Never be afraid of interview questions ever again

Never be afraid of interview questions ever again

Blog Never be afraid of interview questions ever again Share No matter how many you go on, interviews can always be nerve wracking. You put on your nicest clothes, you’ve worked hard at writing your CV and you remember to smile and look as relaxed as you can. Just...
The encyclopedia of job hunting

The encyclopedia of job hunting

Blog The encyclopedia of job hunting Share Starting looking for a job or trying to reenergize an existing search can be really daunting particularly at the moment. But having a comprehensive job-search checklist can make the whole process a lot easier. Here I have...
Make unemployment work for you

Make unemployment work for you

Blog Make unemployment work for you Share If you’re unemployed and worried that employers will turn you down because you have an employment gap on you CV. Stop worrying you are in the same situation as many other people and a reasonable employer will be sympathetic...