Strange Recruitment Practices

Strange Recruitment Practices

Blog Strange Recruitment Practices Share Looking for a new job can be an emotional rollercoaster. One second you’re up, the next you’re down and then you’re wondering why you ever got on this ride. But to make it easier for you we thought we would give you some advice...
How to recognise a dodgy employer

How to recognise a dodgy employer

Blog How to recognise a dodgy employer Share Finding a new job can be very tricky. There is no shortage of uncertainty as both you and the employer will try to present yourselves in the best possible light – it’s not unlike going on a blind date. If you can often be...
What not to do in an interview

What not to do in an interview

Blog What not to do in an interview Share We would like to share with you the ultimate list of what not to do in a job interview, we have listed below specific things that pretty much any employer would agree would make them think negatively about a job candidate.We...
Why people leave their jobs

Why people leave their jobs

Blog Why people leave their jobs Share Apparently nearly a third of all employees are planning to leave their current jobs in the near future.  This is an astonishing figure – so what’s going on? Lets start with young workers, 18-40 years old, is it ambition that...
How to reduce stress in the workplace

How to reduce stress in the workplace

Blog How to reduce stress in the workplace Share Most people experience some stress in the workplace, some people especially those working within the emergency service sector experience more than most.  Any job can have a stressful element, even when you love what you...