Blog Get your boss to cough up dosh for you to study Share When you are in a job often you feel that you could bring more to the role if you had more knowledge and training. However many workers don’t feel they can approach their employer and ask them to pay for study...
Blog Common Questions in Job Interviews Share Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you knew exactly what questions you will be asked in a job interview? Whilst we unfortunately can’t read minds, we will do the next best thing and provide you with a list of the most commonly...
Blog How to resign nicely Share It is never easy to hand in your notice, it doesn’t matter if you love the job and have been there for years and years or you have only been with the employer for a short period of time it is never a nice thing to do, so what is the...
Blog How to get someone the sack? Share Everyone gets annoyed with their colleagues from time to time, but if you work with someone who is genuinely incompetent, poses a threat to the safety of you and other workers, or who significantly harms the morale in the...
Blog First job – make an impression Share You’ve graduated from University or finished College or High School and now you are about to embark on a life – altering experience.You are going to start your first job. After spending many years sitting in a classroom...