Bored at work – Here’s what to do

Bored at work – Here’s what to do

Bored at work – Here’s what to do Share When I was a kid my parents would often tell me that people who complained about being bored need to find something to do. Being bored was not an option in my house, if you said you were bored a job was found for you. But what...
Getting Through A Probation Period

Getting Through A Probation Period

Getting Through A Probation Period Share Statistics show that almost one in five new employees fail their probation period. The truth is when you start a new job you are in a danger zone, you will be scrutinized and monitored. Probation periods can vary from three...
Are Employment Agencies a Waste of Time?

Are Employment Agencies a Waste of Time?

Are Employment Agencies a Waste of Time? Share Finding a new job is hard! It requires a lot of time and effort. To some extent it is a full time job in itself, so where can you get help? The natural choice is an Employment Agency, but are they any good? Well the...