The Effects of Being Unemployed

The Effects of Being Unemployed

The Effects of Being Unemployed Share We tend to talk about unemployment and how it effects the economy and society very negatively and some people believe the unemployed love being at home all day and being paid by the government for doing nothing, but do they? Or do...
Workmate habits that drive you mad

Workmate habits that drive you mad

Workmate habits that drive you mad Share Working with others can sometimes be a pain in the neck particularly if your colleagues have bad habits or are thoughtless or possibly selfish. Unfortunately unless you want to leave your job you will just have to put up with...
Is an office romance a good idea?

Is an office romance a good idea?

Is an office romance a good idea? Share As anyone who’s been there will testify trying to balance romance and a job in the same place isn’t always easy. But for those of you who are already or are tempted to go there, here are some tips to make sure your job or your...