Choosing Between Two Jobs

Choosing Between Two Jobs

Blog Choosing Between Two Jobs Share This is the kind of dilemma every job seeker would love to have. You’ve worked really hard to find the perfect job and have received not one, but two great job offers. What do you do now? Choosing between two jobs isn’t easy...
Excuses – Excuses – Excuses

Excuses – Excuses – Excuses

Blog Excuses – Excuses – Excuses Share Oh no! Something has gone horribly wrong and now you can’t attend an interview you’ve arranged. What can you possibly say to make the employer give you another chance?Although you might be a fantastic writer, sending an...
Flexible Working – good or bad?

Flexible Working – good or bad?

Blog Flexible Working – good or bad? Share In most positions now you have the right to ask your employer about the possibility of working on a flexible basis.  This may mean less hours, flexible hours or working from home.  Equally it is something employers can offer...