“I’ll take any job- I’m desperate”

“I’ll take any job- I’m desperate”

Blog “I’ll take any job- I’m desperate” Share We know that searching for a job can be gruelling, you may even get to the point where you think “any job will do” you just need to work.Stop – don’t go down this road – you are...
Be A Pushy Job Seeker

Be A Pushy Job Seeker

Blog Be A Pushy Job Seeker Share  It’s very frustrating when you have been for an interview – especially if you loved the job – but you don’t get a quick response from the employer.   Unfortunately your work is not over when you leave the interview – in fact it is...
Are you a ‘Job Hopper’

Are you a ‘Job Hopper’

Blog Are you a ‘Job Hopper’ Share You may have heard of the term “job hopper” which basically refers to someone who constantly changes jobs. It doesn’t have the stigma it once did, but to employers its generally not an attractive attribute. But exactly how long is it...