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In the past 27 years, we have seen every kind of situations that might come up in the job search. We have reviewed thousands of CVs and have had feedback from several employers. We share our tips and expertise in easy-to-understand bitesize posts to help you succeed.
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How to get the sack
Blog Share Getting the sack from a job is a definite low point in anyone’s career and it’s not what you want if you have a lifestyle that needs a salary to fund it. If it does happen this is a real blackmark on your work record and will...

Are you ready for promotion?
Blog Share If you have been in the same job for some time, it’s easy to assume you will be promoted at some point, but if you want to hurry that promotion along you need to show your boss you are ready to take on a new role. Here are some tips...

Do you have an office troublemaker?
Blog Share Are you a Manager who has someone in your office who constantly causes trouble? If so, this information could help you. Disgruntled employees can affect moral, workflow and undermine common goals. Maybe you’ve tried to ignore the...