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In the past 27 years, we have seen every kind of situations that might come up in the job search. We have reviewed thousands of CVs and have had feedback from several employers. We share our tips and expertise in easy-to-understand bitesize posts to help you succeed.
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How to get someone the sack?
Blog Share Everyone gets annoyed with their colleagues from time to time, but if you work with someone who is genuinely incompetent, poses a threat to the safety of you and other workers, or who significantly harms the morale in the office,...

How to recognise a dodgy employer
Blog Share Finding a new job can be very tricky. There is no shortage of uncertainty as both you and the employer will try to present yourselves in the best possible light – it’s not unlike going on a blind date. If you can often be difficult...

Why people leave their jobs
Blog Share Apparently nearly a third of all employees are planning to leave their current jobs in the near future. This is an astonishing figure – so what’s going on? Lets start with young workers, 18-40 years old, is it ambition that drives...