Blog How to support someone who has lost their job Share Loosing a job can cause serious mental and emotional strain, this stress can be exacerbated when there are people to consider. Unfortunately at the moment many of us have partners, parents, siblings or close...
Blog Struggling to get a job after finishing education? Share Finishing education can feel like a scary time, now is when you are going to try to enter the big wild world of work. Gone are the days of getting up at 11am or spending a total of two hours a day in...
Blog Social Media – blessing or curse when job seeking Share Social media has become both a blessing and a curse when it comes to applying for a job. On the one hand it has definitely made it easier to connect with people you had no way of reaching previously. On the...
Blog You’re a graduate – what do you have to offer? Share Yes you may have got a 2:1 in your degree, but what else do you have to offer an employer? Yes you may have a little work experience, maybe you have worked in Sainsburys on the till, or in a Care Home assisting...
Blog Gap in your CV – what to do? Share A gap in your employment may be a period of months when you have found it difficult to find the right job or have been travelling, a huge gap in your employment could have been because you have raised a family or have returned...
Blog New Year resolutions for your career Share Most people plan to improve themselves in some capacity in the new year: lose weight, get promoted, spend more time with the family, save money etc. but career achieving goals are different, they take time, thought and...