Gaps In Your Employment – Aaaarghhh

Gaps In Your Employment – Aaaarghhh

Blog Gaps In Your Employment – Aaaarghhh Share Explaining gaps in your employment can be difficult, but here are a few effective methods you can use to make it easier.First of all to explain gaps in your employment it’s really important that you know what reasons are...
Excuses – Excuses – Excuses

Excuses – Excuses – Excuses

Blog Excuses – Excuses – Excuses Share Oh no! Something has gone horribly wrong and now you can’t attend an interview you’ve arranged. What can you possibly say to make the employer give you another chance?Although you might be a fantastic writer, sending an...
When is the best time to look for a job?

When is the best time to look for a job?

Blog When is the best time to look for a job? Share There are certain times in the year that are far better than others to apply for jobs, we’re going to go through month-by-month so you’ll know whether the time is right to start looking for that new role.  ...
Five key questions to ask during interview:

Five key questions to ask during interview:

Blog Five key questions to ask during interview: Share Every job interview you go to will end with the interviewer asking if you have any questions, a lot of people get stuck for words here and simply say they don’t have any – but try to avoid doing this – asking...
Six Top Tips for Second Interviews

Six Top Tips for Second Interviews

Blog Six Top Tips for Second Interviews Share Congratulations, you’ve got a second interview – that means you’re pretty close to getting the job right? Well don’t let this stop you from properly preparing yourself! At this stage its clear the Company like you, but...
Five reasons why you SHOULDN’T accept a job offer

Five reasons why you SHOULDN’T accept a job offer

Blog Five reasons why you SHOULDN’T accept a job offer Share Receiving a job offer is great, but there are times when accepting it might not be the best option for both you and the employer. If you’re uncertain about a job offer keep reading as we’ve outlined several...