How to make a success of temporary work

How to make a success of temporary work

Blog How to make a success of temporary work Share The cold reality is that at the moment jobs are few and far between, unemployment benefit is terrible therefore temporary is a good option for lots of reasons. Most employers do not take on people in a temporary...
Jobs To Dream About

Jobs To Dream About

Blog Jobs To Dream About Share Finding a job in the current marker is a nightmare, hundreds of jobs are disappearing and very few new jobs are materialising so if you are looking for a job at the moment I’m sure you are finding the process very hard going and...
Don’t be victim of job scams

Don’t be victim of job scams

Blog Don’t be victim of job scams Share Unemployment is a nightmare at the moment because of COVID but like most disasters that happen including the recent Grenfell Tower disaster scammers come out of the woodwork.  Most people now days when they are looking for...
Who’s Recruiting?

Who’s Recruiting?

Blog Who’s Recruiting? Share Coronavirus has affected job security around the world and many people have found themselves unemployed since March last year. So what can you if you find yourself without a job? Well, my advice is look for one. There are many...
New Year – New Job

New Year – New Job

Blog New Year – New Job Share As a really strange year finishes its time to look forward to the upcoming new year. For many of us that means looking for New year resolution ideas and setting new goals. But for lots of people in 2021 their resolution will be to...
Relax it’s Xmas – worry about a job in the New Year

Relax it’s Xmas – worry about a job in the New Year

Blog Relax it’s Xmas – worry about a job in the New Year Share We’ve all been there before, you wake up in the middle of the night and while you try to get back to sleep your mind drifts to the topic that you haven’t got a job. Before you know it you’re in a full...