Difficult workmate – here’s what to do

by | 06.09.24

Dealing with difficult workmates can be challenging, but it’s important that you address situations in a professional and constructive manner.  No one likes working with difficult people but we have all come across them at some point in our career.  Here are some tips on how to navigate and manage awkward or unpleasant people:

Stay calm and composed

It’s essential to remain calm and composed when dealing with difficult colleagues. Avoid reacting impulsively or getting drawn into arguments. Maintain a professional demeanor and focus on finding a solution.

Understand their perspective

Try to understand the underlying reasons for their difficult behaviour. They may be facing personal challenges, experiencing work-related stress, or have a different communication style. Empathy can help you approach the situation with a more open mind.

Communicate openly and assertively

Address the issue directly by initiating a calm and respectful conversation with your difficult colleague. Clearly express your concerns, focusing on specific behaviors or incidents that are causing difficulties. Use “I” statements to express how their behavior is impacting on you or the team.

Active listening

Practice active listening during the conversation. Give your colleague an opportunity to express their perspective and concerns. This can help foster understanding and find common ground for resolving the issues.

Seek support from a Supervisor or HR

If the situation persists or escalates, it may be necessary to involve a Supervisor or the Human Resources Department. Provide them with specific examples and evidence of the difficult behaviour. They can offer guidance, mediate the situation or take appropriate action if needed.

Set boundaries

Establish clear boundaries with your difficult colleague to protect your own well-being. Communicate your expectations regarding respectful behaviour and professional interactions. If necessary limit your interactions with them to minimize the impact on your work.

Focus on solutions, not blame

Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects, focus on finding solutions to improve the working relationship. Collaborate with your difficult colleague to identify common goals and strategies for better communication and teamwork.

Take care of yourself

Dealing with difficult workmates can be emotionally draining. Take care of yourself by practicing self-care activities outside of work, such as exercise, hobbies and spending time with supportive friends and family. This will help you maintain a positive mindset and resilience.

Remember every situation is unique, it may take time to resolve conflicts with difficult workmates, in some situations they may never be resolved and you will just have to accept that the person concerned likes to be a pain in the neck, but by approaching the situation with professionalism, empathy and focus on finding solutions you can create a more positive and productive work environment.

Good luck