Five reasons why you SHOULDN’T accept a job offer

by | 22.01.19

Receiving a job offer is great, but there are times when accepting it might not be the best option for both you and the employer. If you’re uncertain about a job offer keep reading as we’ve outlined several reasons why you should definitely turn it down!

You don’t actually like the job

Sounds simple enough but you’d be surprised how many people accept jobs they know they’ll hate just because they think they have to. If you’re currently in a job you love, the worst thing you can do is accept an offer for a job you won’t like just because it pays an extra couple of thousand pounds a year. You will only regret the decision a few months down the line. Remember – your happiness is a lot more important than how much you’re earning.

You’re filling time

If you’re not actually planning on sticking around for more than a couple of months it may be better to not waste yours and the employer’s time. If you have a couple of months spare and would like to earn some extra money – temp!! There are plenty of Agencies out there who would be happy to help you find commitment free work. It’s also much fairer this way as you won’t be tricking the Company into investing their time and money into you – just let the job go to another candidate who would be happy to commit to them long term. 

The journey is terrible

The job may be perfect for you, but at the end of the day if it’s too far away or the daily commute is generally a nightmare – it will all end in disaster! You’ll either end up quitting due to the stress of it all or you’ll be fired for turning up late all the time. If you’re able to locate closer to the new job in the near future then great, go for it! But if not give this job a miss and wait for something else to come along which ticks ALL your boxes!

Your instinct telling you no

Never underestimate the power of your instinct! If it’s telling you that something isn’t right about the job or the Company making you the offer – don’t just brush it off – sometimes listening to your instinct can be a lot more valuable than listening to your head! Take a few days to consider your options and try to pin point exactly why you’re feeling this way before you go accepting the role.

Not part of your five year plan

If you’ve just graduated in accounts and are planning on pursuing a career in that field don’t go accepting a completely unrelated role just so you can say you’ve got a job. It may take a while to break into your industry, so if you are offered a job doing something completely different from your career goal don’t feel pressured to accept it. You are only young once so stick it out and keep trying.

If you’re looking for a new job email a copy of your CV over to and we will try our best to help you.