How to get back into work after a break

by | 20.09.24

So you’ve been out of the workplace for a little while and now you are in a position to get a job, but how do you go about it?  What do you need to do in order to make yourself employable?  Here are some tips:

Update your skills

Take training courses or workshops to refresh your office skills and stay current with the latest IT developments in your field. Make sure you mention the courses or workshops you have completed on your CV.


Reach out to contacts in the industry you have worked in or friends and relatives, attend networking events and use social media to connect with potential employers and ex-colleagues.

Update your CV

Make sure your CV showcases your skills and experiences and highlights any relevant achievements, you also need to explain what you have been doing during your career break.

Apply for less senior positions

If you’ve been out of the workforce for a while, it may be helpful to start with looking at less senior positions in which to gain up to date experience and showcase your abilities.

Be open to different opportunities

Consider temporary or contract work in the field you have worked in to help rebuild your CV and establish a new professional network.


Consider volunteering for organizations or causes that align with your interests or past career, as this can help you gain valuable up to date experience and build connections again within the industry.

Seek advice from Career Advisors

Consider seeking guidance from a Career Advisor who can provide valuable insights and guidance on how to re-enter the workforce and what employers are looking for in the current market.

So to summarise it’s not going to be easy to re-enter the workplace particularly in the current market but by taking these skills and being proactive in your job search you can increase your chances of finding a job

Good Luck