How to get the sack
There are many reasons for an employer to sack an employee and you need to make sure you are not one of the few who have to walk the plank. It’s a horrible thing to happen to anyone and you need to make sure it never happens to you. These are the most common reasons people get the boot:
Before being sacked for incompetence, which is also called poor performance, you will have received a series of warnings and interventions. An incompetent employee is someone who is unable to perform their job duties as directed, even with assistance. Is this you?
If you refuse to follow instructions or are aggressive or rude to your line Manager, then you are putting yourself in a dangerous position. Your bad behaviour can impact on your colleagues’ comfort at work and negativity can affect the company’s culture. Is this you?
If you are regularly late to work or if you are regularly off sick you are putting a strain on your workmates as they will have to cover for you and do your job. Is this you?
Theft is illegal. Stealing from your employer or workmates can only lead to you getting the sack, it could also result in legal action being taken against you. Stealing includes everything from robbery, petty theft and taking office supplies home. Is this you?
Sharing Confidential Information
Depending on your job, you may have access to confidential company information. When this is the case, you may have been asked to sign a non-disclosure form that certifies that you won’t share information you are privy to. If you violate this policy, you could be sacked. Is this you?
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment in the workplace is unacceptable and can range from unwanted comments to touching people. Any accusation of sexual harassment will be taken seriously and will involve an investigation. Some forms of sexual harassment can be punishable by law. Is this you?
Violence at work such as damaging company equipment or property or by striking a colleague is both illegal and an offence worthy of getting the sack. All employers have a zero-tolerance policy for violence and you will get your P45 immediately. Is this you?
Making threats of any kind can be a sackable offence. It doesn’t matter if the threats are made verbally or in writing. If you threaten another employee of the company, termination of your employment is a reasonable response. Is this you?
Substance Abuse
Substance abuse includes using alcohol or illegal drugs whilst you are on the job. Some employers may also perform random drug tests to see if employees are abusing drugs outside of work. You could be dismissed for this. Is this you?
Damaging Property
Property damage might include intentionally breaking equipment or even the unintentional destruction of a high-value piece of company property, for both of these things you could get the sack. Is this you?
Falsifying Records
Knowingly recording false statements or facts is both illegal and a sackable offence. The specifics of record falsification depend on the industry or the type of job you have, but you will have your employment terminated if you do it. Is this you?
Using Company Resources for Personal Benefit
If you have a business venture going on in your own time, there is no problem. But if you are using your employer’s resources or working on your business during work time then you could be sacked. Is this you?
Unfortunately, if you get the sack you are going to really struggle to get a new position. This is because any reference your employer provides for you will state that you have been dismissed and this will put off most potential employers, so it’s definitely something that you don’t want to happen to you.
The moral of this story is – behave!