How to shine in an assessment centre interview

by | 22.01.19

How To Shine When Being Assessed 

Assessment Centre interviews test your suitability for a job by conducting various tasks and activities, allowing employers to check skills that are not necessary accessible in a traditional interview. They can be tricky and it is important that you know roughly what to expect. Here are some tips which may help you.

Be prepared
Research the potential employer, read the organisations website, social media profiles and key literature. Prepare questions that could be asked if you are given the opportunity.

Try your best
Do your very best on all exercises you are given, do not dwell on mistakes instead concentrate on performing well in the next task.

Integrity and trustworthiness are qualities that are essential in the workplace…

Focus on yourself
Do not worry about other candidates, instead focus on your key skills and qualities. Do however draw others into group discussions or exercises.

Understand what you are doing
Ensure you understand the requirements of each task you are given by quickly digesting the brief — revisit this once you understand the overall challenge.

Join in
Make sure you join in with discussions, do not separate yourself, even at ‘informal’ mealtimes make sure you are sociable and demonstrate team work skills.

Maintain a friendly and polite manner with everyone you meet, remember you are always being assessed. Relax and let your personality shine as Assessors warm to individuality.

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